NHERI Computational Symposium

February 5-7, 2025

Software Spotlight: Deploying a High-fidelity CFD Workflow for Wind Load Evaluation in WE-UQ

Session 7D: Artistry Room, 9:40am Host: Abiy Melaku


This session highlights the advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) capabilities within SimCenter’s WE-UQ tool, designed to support computational wind engineering (CWE) studies. The session begins with an introduction to SimCenter’s ongoing efforts to advance CWE, followed by an overview of the streamlined CFD workflows available in WE-UQ to assess wind-induced loads and structural responses. Key components of the workflow which include the ability to create or import building geometries, generate automated unstructured meshes, define boundary conditions, run simulations on high-performance computing (HPC) resources provided by DesignSafe, post-processing results and visualization are highlighted. To provide practical insights, the session features user experiences from researchers employing WE-UQ for various applications, such as simulating wind flow around urban environments and the use of the workflow for wind load calculation on low-rise buildings. The session concludes with an interactive discussion, allowing participants to engage with presenters, share their experiences using WE-UQ, and provide feedback on desired features to improve wind related applications.


9:40 - 9:45: Welcome and introductions

9:45 - 9:55: SimCenter’s Ongoing Effort to Support CWE [Prof. Kareem]

9:55 - 10:05: Introducing the CFD workflow in WE-UQ (slides + include upcoming features)

10:05 - 10:25: WE-UQ User Experiences 

  • Tanmay Vora, University of Michigan 
    • Using WE-UQ to simulate wind flow around a regular array of buildings 
  • Tsinuel Geleta, Western University, Canada
    • Employing WE-UQ to expedit CFD modeling process for wind
    • Potential for teaching CWE

10:25 - 10:40: Discussion