NHERI Computational Symposium

February 5-7, 2025

The future of storm surge modeling: Impacts of Climate Change and Rapidly Intensifying Events

Session 7B: Illumination Room, 9:40am Chair: Clint Dawson


Alexandros Taflanidis

Alexandros Taflanidis

University of Notre Dame

Regional risk estimation using Gaussian Process metamodeling: application to storm-surge hazard

Co-Authors: WoongHee Jung (University of Notre Dame), Norberto Nadal-Caraballo (Army Corps of Engineers), Madison Yawn (Army Corps of Engineers), and Luke Aucoin (Army Corps of Engineers)

Abstract: The recent, very active hurricane seasons, as well as emerging concerns related to the future effects of sea level rise, storm intensification, and increased hurricane occurrence rate on coastal areas, make the prediction of storm-flood hazard a key priority when discussing coastal community resilience. To address this priority, researchers have placed substantial efforts in developing improved high-fidelity, numerical models to predict the storm-surge for a given storm event. For promoting computational efficiency when utilizing these models within hazard estimation applications, surrogate modeling techniques have emerged as a popular strategy. The accuracy of such techniques in this context has been examined so far using cross-validation (CV) techniques or by testing their performance for a (very) small number of historical storms. This presentation investigates this topic within a different setting, examining the resultant regional storm surge hazard maps, specifically using Gaussian Process (GP) as surrogate model choice. This is accomplished by examining the hazard products (hazard maps or curves) obtained by GP implementations, as well as the hazard products established through alternative, simplified Monte Carlo approaches. Examining this accuracy fills in an important knowledge gap and provides an answer to the question “what are the benefits in coastal hazard estimation by using surrogate models?”, improving at the same time trustworthiness of the associated results within the context of coastal risk quantification. The selection of the storm ensemble supporting the GP development is also examined, and it is shown that an adaptive implementation provides distinct advantages.

Parisa Toofani Movaghar

Parisa Toofani Movaghar

Graduate Student Researcher
University of Notre Dame

Computationally Efficient Regional Hazard Response Prediction Leveraging Sparse Graph Neural Networks

Co-Authors: Alexandros Taflanidis (University of Notre Dame)

Abstract: Regional risk assessment has been receiving increased attention within the natural hazards engineering community. Key barriers for this assessment is how to accommodate (i) the use of computationally expensive numerical models or (ii) applications with large number of outputs (geographical locations or assets) of interest. Data-driven predictive modeling has emerged as a critical tool for addressing the first barrier. Among the various approaches, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have gained significant attention since not only do they demonstrate high accuracy, but also they have the ability to capture sophisticated dependencies across the responses (outputs). The GNN implementation in this context encounters challenges from the second barrier discussed above, as they cannot easily scale to high-dimensional outputs. To address this issue, this study introduces a novel and scalable GNN framework, integrating sparsity in the graph connectivity. Central to the framework is the construction of graph structure using a cross-correlation technique that incorporates dependencies both within a region and across multiple hazard observations. Additionally, the framework employs dimensionality reduction to further extend the scalability to even higher dimensional outputs. The framework is demonstrated for storm surge response emulation using datasets of high-fidelity numerical simulations developed during regional flood studies. This topic is of increased relevance for improving the resilience of coastal communities. The proposed GNN formulation is shown to efficiently incorporate data dependencies while providing deeper insights into regional hazard dynamics.

Armando Ulises Santos Cruz

Armando Ulises Santos Cruz

Graduate Student Researcher
University of Texas at Austin

Efficient Coastal Flood-Inundation Mapping Using Machine Learning-Enhanced Static Model

Co-Authors: Jun-Whan Lee (The University of Texas at Austin) and Wonhyun Lee (The University of Texas at Austin)

Abstract: The increasing frequency and intensity of tropical storms, driven by climate change, have escalated the vulnerability of coastal regions, endangering lives, infrastructure, and ecosystems. To address these risks, rapid and accurate hazard simulation models are needed to produce coastal flood inundation maps using real-time data. Traditional high-fidelity hydrodynamic models, while precise, are computationally intensive and less suited for real-time applications. In contrast, static models are computationally efficient, but tend to overestimate flood extents by applying uniform or spatially varying water levels across landscapes and comparing them to topographical features and bathymetry. To overcome this limitation, we improved a static coastal flood model that utilizes water level data from coastal gauges and high-resolution digital elevation models with Bayesian optimization (machine learning algorithm) into the calibration process. This calibration integrates land cover data and high-water marks from historical storm events to generate reduction factors used to adjust flood extents post-calibration. The results demonstrate that machine learning-enhanced model significantly increased the precision of flood extent predictions by 8% compared to pre-calibration results, as validated against a physics-based numerical model (Super-Fast Inundation of Coasts; SFINCS) using Hurricane Ike (2008) as a case study. This approach maintains the computational speed necessary for real-time applications. Moreover, it offers a robust tool for hazard simulation and emergency response planning in coastal regions.

WoongHee Jung

WoongHee Jung

Graduate Student Researcher
University of Notre Dame

Efficient real-time probabilistic storm surge risk assessment through adaptive multi-fidelity Monte Carlo

Co-Authors: Alexandros Taflanidis (University of Notre Dame), Aikaterini Kyprioti (University of Oklahoma), and Jize Zhang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Abstract: Real-time probabilistic predictions for anticipated storm surges provide valuable information for emergency preparedness/response decisions during landfalling storms. These predictions are made through an uncertainty quantification process that involves: generating an ensemble of storm scenarios based on the nominal storm advisory and the anticipated forecast errors; performing high-fidelity numerical simulations to obtain surge predictions for each storm scenario; estimating surge statistics of interest by assembling the simulation results. This process is repeated whenever the storm advisory is updated. The need to make predictions in real-time drives the demand for high computational efficiency. This work investigates an adaptive Multi-Fidelity Monte Carlo (MFMC) framework to address the demand. As a lower-fidelity model within the MFMC setup, a surrogate model is adaptively developed based on high-fidelity simulations from the current or past storm advisories. MFMC leverages the correlation between the high- and low-fidelity models to establish unbiased predictions with high statistical accuracy and significant computational savings. To facilitate the development of the low-fidelity model using a small number of high-fidelity simulations, dimensionality reduction is introduced for both the input and output of the model. To accommodate the use of high-fidelity simulations from the current advisory in the development, leave-one-out model predictions are utilized in the MFMC estimation. Finally, the challenge of establishing MFMC predictions for a large number of quantities of interest (QoIs) corresponding to surges at different geographical locations is discussed. These QoIs may advocate conflicting decisions for the optimal MFMC implementation, and an efficient search for a compromise solution is introduced.

Ali Rezaie

Ali Rezaie

Postdoctoral Scholar
University of California, Santa Cruz

Introducing coastal ecosystems in flood risk models for valuing nature-based solutions for coastal resilience and climate adaptation

Co-Authors: Pelayo Menéndez (University of California, Santa Cruz), Chris Lowrie (University of California, Santa Cruz), David Gutierrez Barcelo (University of California, Santa Cruz), Rae Taylor-Burns (University of California, Santa Cruz), Brook Constantz (University of California, Santa Cruz), Camila Gaido (University of California, Santa Cruz), Borja Reguero (University of California, Santa Cruz), and Michael W. Beck (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Abstract: Coastal habitats such as mangroves and coral reefs can reduce flood risk, naturally adapt to climate change, and benefit the community economically. However, most global hazard simulations and damage models fail to include the effects of habitats. We developed a methodology to evaluate these habitats' flood risk reduction benefits at different spatial scales. We applied the methodology to estimate the current and future coastal floods and these habitats' ability to reduce the risks across reef and mangrove coastlines. Coastal hydrodynamic model SFINCS is used to simulate 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year return period events’ flooding for the current and future scenarios. The current waves and sea levels are taken from historical reanalysis of wave climate and hindcast, and future waves and sea level projections from the SSP5-8.5 emission scenario. We considered one SLR scenario based on median IPCC projections. We assessed four ecosystem scenarios: current reefs and mangroves, no mangroves, no reefs, and no reefs or mangroves. Then, we calculated the economic impact using the global urban footprint, depth damage functions, and national macroeconomic values of the assets exposed to coastal flooding. Results suggest that the current coastal flood risks in the Dominican Republic are about $30 million, which would increase by an additional $100 and $155 million without the protection of existing coral reefs and mangroves in current conditions and the future, respectively. Our findings demonstrate the critical role that nature-based solutions play in coastal adaptation and support restoring the habitats within adaptation, hazard mitigation, and disaster recovery decisions.