NHERI Computational Symposium

February 1-2, 2024

Presenters Session 7B

Simulation Needs and Opportunities in Regional Windstorm Loss Assessment - Tracy Kijewski-Correa

Panel Discussion

This interactive session is designed for attendees interested in understanding opportunities and needs in the simulation of windstorm events and their impacts across regions, inclusive of both wind and storm surge/wave effects. The session will introduce attendees to the current workflow for regional simulation of windstorm events, such as hurricanes. Invited discussants will lead 30-minute discussion blocks around three workflow modules associated with Hazard Description, Response Estimation, and Performance Assessment. Each block will begin with discussants presenting a vignette on their research related to this module. Each discussant will be invited to reflect on opportunities to improve the fidelity of and capabilities within that workflow module, while maintaining computational tractability. This will then prompt an interactive discussion with the audience on how the community can work with the SimCenter to seize these opportunities or address other related needs such as reduced-order models or uncertainty quantification. The session will close with a reflection on gaps in existing inventories/inventory generation tools that must be addressed to realize the desired enhancements in the hazards, response and performance modules.


  • Grow attendee awareness of the SimCenter’s regional simulation workflow and how it can be used to study windstorm events.
  • Grow community ownership of the SimCenter’s regional simulation workflow and the opportunities for further development through discussant-led segments.
  • Identify actionable enhancements to the fidelity and robustness of the SimCenter’s regional simulation workflow in dialog with attendees. Spur potential use of the SimCenter workflow for continued investigations of hurricane impacts by the user community.