Recent Publication and News: SimCenter’s AI Software and NHE

June 22, 2021

NHERI SimCenter domain experts and development team members have published "Machine Learning-based Regional Scale Intelligent Modeling of Building Information for Natural Hazard Risk Management" in the Automation in Construction journal. Highlights of the paper include: a novel city-scale building information modeling framework; the framework can fuse and enhance heterogeneous data using neural networks; convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) are trained to extract building information from satellite or street view images; spatial patterns and variations of regional building information are discovered using neural networks; to show its capability of large-scale natural hazard risk management, the workflow is demonstrated using a hurricane scenario. Access this article and additional SimCenter publications.

  • Access the article: C. Wang, Q. Yu, K. Law, F. McKenna, S. Yu, E. Taciroglu, A. Zsarnóczay, W. Elhaddad, B. Cetiner, Machine Learning-based Regional Scale Intelligent Modeling of Building Information for Natural Hazard Risk Management, Automation in Construction, 2021,

Additionally, two recent news releases feature SimCenter artificial intelligence software BRAILS and benefits to natural hazards engineering computational simulation. Many thanks to Aaron Dubrow at TACC for coordinating with SimCenter Communications in these features.