SimCenter Featured in UNESCO Webinar

November 30, 2023

image from webinar hosted by the UNESCO Chair in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Engineering at University College London

The SimCenter was featured in a webinar hosted by the UNESCO Chair in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Engineering at University College London (UCL) on November 16, 2023. “SimCenter: A computational framework to simulate the impacts of natural hazards” was presented by Sang-ri Yi and Jinyan Zhao, SimCenter postdoctoral scholars and software development team members.

The webinar introduced the global audience to SimCenter’s cyberinfrastructure framework, which provides easy access to various advanced modeling and analysis modules required to simulate the impact of natural hazards (earthquake, hurricane, storm surge, and tsunami) for researchers and practitioners. Two workflows were introduced and demonstrated using SimCenter’s open-source desktop applications: surrogate modeling of seismic structural response, and regional resilience assessment.

“Surrogate modeling of seismic response,” presented by Dr. Yi, introduced the motivation and methodology of surrogate modeling for seismic risk assessment. Then it focused on Gaussian Process-based surrogate modeling of structural response from earthquakes. To demonstrate the example, the EE-UQ software tool was utilized.

“Regional resilience determination workflow and demo,” presented by Dr. Zhao, introduced a workflow and research software, R2D, for high-resolution assessment of disaster impact and risk on a regional scale. R2D facilitates importing and querying data describing multiple types of regional hazard and infrastructure systems, and it helps researchers with setting up and running the simulations either on their local computer or at the high-performance computing clusters available at DesignSafe. The workflow was demonstrated with an application to a regional seismic risk analysis.

Access the webinar recording from (2:05:49)