SimCenter Developer Profile – Summer 2023

August 7, 2023

The SimCenter Development Team relies on software developers to facilitate and support SimCenter software tools. In this article we feature Noam Elisha.

Noam Elisha, Applications EngineerNoam Elisha, Applications Engineer

Noam Elisha, Applications Engineer
Noam is a general software developer helping to facilitate and support the tools provided by the SimCenter. He is working on the front-end and back-end of the software tools, and he will develop ways to analyze and improve processes.

Noam completed his M.S. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) from the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley. His capstone project was on Monte Carlo simulation for electric vehicle (EV) charging networks. Noam notes that “my team used a lot of data gathered from CalTech, Berkeley's own EV research, and a survey that we sent out to faculty to design a simulation to show the differences in behaviors and costs for different agents and types of city models. This project combined two of my favorite topics from IEOR: simulations and working with data.”

During the prior four years he earned three degrees from UC Berkeley: B.S. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and B.A. in Music. He “saw a lot of overlap between IEOR and EECS, such as in optimization, machine learning, and data, and thought that they would complement each other very well, especially since I have always had a passion for computers and programming. As far as the music major goes, I've been playing violin since I was 5, and I was considering going to a conservatory or engineering school. I chose to come to Berkeley and pursue the music major, as it is my life's passion.”