SimCenter at Natural Hazards Research Summit

November 16, 2022

Greg Deierlein presents

SimCenter researchers actively engaged the natural hazards research community during the NHERI Natural Hazards Research Summit 2022, which was held on October 6-8, 2022 in Washington DC.

The SimCenter and DesignSafe co-hosted two companion discussion sessions focused on computational simulation and data analytics in natural hazards research—specifically asking what opportunities and needs in simulation and cyber-infrastructure will advance natural hazards research in 3-year and +10-year horizons.

Regional-scale simulations were the the focus of Part 1, which helped frame the Part 2 discussion on local-scale simulations. Session Hosts: Greg Deierlein, Stanford University, and Scott Brandenberg, UCLA. Session Panelists: Krishna Kumar, University of Texas, Austin, and Adam Zsarnóczay, Stanford University. The SimCenter collected input from session participants and will release outcomes in the near future.

Presentations made by SimCenter team members included the following:

  • Invited Presentation: "Promoting Multi-Disciplinary Natural Hazards Research through High-Resolution Regional Simulations" - Greg Deierlein, Stanford University, SimCenter co-Director.
  • Invited Presentation: "From Research to Impact: How Collaborative Networks are Changing Hazards Research," - Tracy Kijewski-Correa, University of Notre Dame, SimCenter Domain Expert, StEER Director.
  • "Visioning Session: Future Research Needs and Priorities" - Tracy Kijewski-Correa, University of Notre Dame, SimCenter Domain Expert, StEER Director.
  • "How Convergence, Networks, and Long-Term Programs Create an Ecosystem for Next-Generation Workforce in Natural Hazards and Disasters" - Barbara Simpson, Stanford University, SimCenter Visiting Researcher alumna

The Natural Hazards Research Summit 2022 explored the research needs and priorities for the natural hazards engineering profession and NHERI communities. Panels of distinguished experts from FEMA, NIST, and NSF discussed national needs and priorities, and topic-based program tracks enabled attendees to provide input and ideas about the future direction of natural hazards engineering research.