SimCenter at Natural Hazards Workshop - Recap

August 12, 2021

Paola Vargas, SimCenter 2019 REU, and Adam Zsarnóczay, SimCenter Software Development Team member at Stanford University, participated in the panel "Modeling Post-Earthquake Population Displacement and Long-Term Community Recovery Challenges" at the Natural Hazards Workshop, held virtually on July 13, 2021.

Natural Hazards Center logoThe session focused on the USGS-HayWired Scenario project - specifically the project's work related to long-term recovery challenges after a hypothetical earthquake with a moment magnitude of 7.0 occurring on April 18, 2018, at 4:18 p.m. on the Hayward Fault in California.

During the panel, Paola described her collaboration with Anne Wein, Laurie Johnson, and Ann-Margaret Esnard within the scope of her work as an REU at the SimCenter. She presented her work and its relevance to the outcomes of the HayWired Scenario. Adam described the context of the SimCenter and its activities related to the simulation of the impact of natural hazards on communities.