Featured Educational Resource: SimCenter Teaching Gallery

The SimCenter Teaching Gallery provides teaching modules on a variety of engineering topics for use in course curriculums. Included in each module are: learning objectives, links to applicable SimCenter Research Tools, class materials (lecture slides, videos, homework assignments, and guides for instructors) as well as contact information for questions. The image below is from the course module "What we can learn from Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA)."

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NHERI Natural Hazards Research Summit - College Park, Maryland
   May 14-15, 2024, SimCenter workshops on May 16

2024 NHERI Computational Academy - Apply Now
   July 23-26, 2024, Austin Texas

International Advanced School Soil Structure in OpenSees, SSI-OS
  September 9-11, 2024, Assisi, Italy

Computational Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction International Workshop
 September 11-13, 2024, Assisi, Italy

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WE-UQ Application Update (V3.2.0) - The WE-UQ Application update includes the “Empty Domain CFD Simulation” tool, which enables users to run high-fidelity large-eddy simulation to characterize atmospheric boundary layer flows. This kind of simulation is essential for calibrating boundary conditions of CFD models, thus enhancing the accuracy of subsequent wind load simulations on specific structures.

SimCenter Engagement at University of Pavia - Matt DeJong delivered a seminar at the University of Pavia, Italy, on March 1, 2024. The seminar, titled “SimCenter tools for computational earthquake engineering, uncertainty quantification, and regional-scale simulations,” underscored SimCenter's commitment to enable leaders to make more informed decisions about the necessity and efficacy of potential mitigation strategies.

Open-source software boosts resilient design - ASCE Civil Engineering Online - ASCE Civil Engineering Online has published the article "Open-source simulation software boosts earthquake resilience," which underscores the release of the Arup's REDi Seismic Downtime Model as open-source software, and its integration into the SimCenter’s PBE application.

PBE Application Update (V3.3.0) -The PBE Application update incorporates a comprehensive set of tests and corresponding code enhancements which substantially improve the robustness and efficiency of the damage and loss simulations.

The SimCenter provides next-generation computational modeling and simulation software tools, user support, and educational materials to the natural hazards engineering research community with the goal of advancing the nation's capability to simulate the impact of natural hazards on structures, lifelines, and communities.

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